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Personal services

New Jobs


social innovation

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While demographic trends are directing France, like its European partners, towards an aging population, at the same time, it is experiencing a unique situation which has persisted for many years with a high fertility rate. Thus, since 2018, it has been ranked first in Europe with an index of 1.87 [1], followed by Sweden (1.76) and Romania (1.76), well above the European average which stands at 1.56.

A high fertility rate and an aging population are leading the territories to a very significant increase in demand for personal services. The early childhood sector, that of services for the elderly and the disabled, is becoming strategic axes of development and attractiveness of the territories.


Personal services are a fundamental issue for our contemporary societies. Whatever the territories in France or in Europe, it will be a question of taking care of our elders as well as our young ones, going through all the states of loss of autonomy. Between putting the burden on the family alone or on the state, other organizations are possible and to be sought.

The project consists in identifying, in France and in Europe with partners from different countries, the most innovative practices, the most sustainable models in order to capitalize and then offer them in our territories.

Moreover, in these sectors, recruitment difficulties are concomitant with unsuitable, too theoretical or too rigid training. This project aims to offer with our partners, micro-certifications organized in blocks of skills.

The project consists of identifying territorial innovations in the field of Personal Services and analyzing and capitalizing on them in order to be able to transfer them to its own territory.

The TIS project – Territories of Social Innovation / Services to the populations: cooperation & innovation by the territories proposes to seek new territorial models in order to be able to disseminate them and make them a source of inspiration on a larger scale.


These new territorial models will be distinguished by their ability to develop new responses to new or still unmet social needs, involving the participation and cooperation of the territory's stakeholders. These answers will concern in a combined way:

- The co-construction of new responses in terms of services to the population;

- The co-design of new training courses for trades and/or employment (by integrating, upstream, the identification and anticipation of skills needs);

- The concerted implementation of innovative vocational training courses and the joint support of young people and/or adults engaged in these courses.


The project consists of identifying territorial innovations in terms of services to people and capitalizing on them in order to be able to transfer them to its own territory.


Two main objectives underpin this project, namely:

• Find innovative solutions in the Services to People sector through territorial cooperation

• Promote the development of skills of professionals and organizations on Services to people?


We wish to propose this project based on 3 axes and each partner will be free to imagine their actions inscribed in each of these 3 axes. It is important to note that WPs are the different dimensions of the same subject.

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The stages of the projects

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Workpackage 1: Project management 


Worpackage 2: Deciphering new training actions: tools, methodologies, approaches


Workpackage 3: Which cooperation: which animation? What methodology





WorkPackage 4: Capitalization - Transfer - Communication - Evaluation

Analysis of territorial systems facilitating cooperation

Analysis of tools / New training actions

Provisional schedule

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