
The permanent digital revolution, the recent global pandemic, new intercontinental economic leaderships and environmental upheavals are profoundly shaking up local economies. They highlight the fragility of the environment and economic ecosystems, as well as show the interdependencies between local businesses and their international markets. In doing so, they reveal a hitherto unknown tension in supply chains along long supply chains by revealing occasional disruptions in the markets for goods and services that are sometimes very difficult to substitute.

These major developments are combined with the successive shutdowns of the economy, and point more than ever to the urgent need to support territorial transitions in employment and skills. There is no “natural” mechanism in economics that ensures this transition. Job losses are then numerous as well as the creation of new activities. Many people see their jobs permanently threatened in the short term. New jobs and new skills are needed to support the dynamics of small local businesses. Rural areas are at the forefront of this development, having witnessed major population movements in recent years from neighboring areas to distant continents.

The first challenge is to seek balances between job applications and available offers, taking into account population movements and therefore deploying the most inclusive strategies possible.
The second challenge is to allow the generations present in the territory to access the jobs that are being created in local companies or to create their own activities according to the needs of environmental transition and more broadly of sustainable development.
The third challenge is to share innovative tools for the management of jobs and skills corresponding to the expectations of the activities and skills of companies and the aspirations of individuals.
The search for a balance between the economic, social and environmental dimension must take place over a longer period, thus taking into account the course of life.
The fourth challenge, which encompasses the three previous ones, is to adapt adult training systems to make them more agile, responding to the needs of individuals and companies and designed both locally and internationally.

Context of the project
Our public institutions and our associative organizations have many technical and above all organizational resources to support this movement, but these remain untapped. However, these structures were created according to needs in the past years and in very different contexts, they must face future challenges.
SMEs and VSEs form the vast majority of the network of companies in the territories. However, they mention serious obstacles to their development:
The isolation of their professions hampering the capacity for innovation and anticipation
Lack of time for human resources management… one of the main resources of the company
How to take these needs into account and provide territorial solutions?
The life paths and career paths of individuals are changing less and less linearly. The choice of places of residence is often independent of the choice of place of employment. Territory changes are becoming more and more common.
How do you fit into the local economy when you come from a neighboring territory, a metropolis or another country?
What skills can be acquired to meet business needs?
What are the conditions for starting the training?
All these questions require a precise analysis of the territory and its challenges.

The questions asked
How to make the territory a space of management and resources for companies and to promote the social inclusion of populations?
How are specific territorial skills a tool for enhancing people and facilitating sustainable economic development?
How to truly innovate in the field of services to businesses and individuals in favor of local employment?

The partners

Our assumptions
•Other European countries have tools and approaches that can be transposed to our territories… It is necessary to know them better!
• The territory is a space of innovation for many sectors of activity and specific sectors, it is also the place of multiple partnerships for the benefit of a common interest
•The right scale to work on the subject is the European scale
•By taking time for the capitalization phase… we are all getting ahead of the territories
•Specific territorial skills make it possible to manage career paths while promoting the competitive competitiveness of local businesses. They allow the anchoring of companies and the social inclusion of the inhabitants.

Progress of the project
Territorial conditions and means of innovation through the management of human resources, jobs and skills
New practices Based on a reflective approach, animation of progress groups.
Communication, Capitalization & Transfers
The project consists of presenting the project at European level with 4 workpackages:

Project Challenges

Project methodology
The project has account 4 work package (WP), each partner is invited to enrich by the contribution of what he wishes to do in the project. Not all partners have to be involved in all WPs, everyone can decide according to their budget and needs.
The leader: Emeraude Competence in St Malo (France) will lead the finalization of the project file and will be in charge of the final capitalization seminar.
Project management
Territorial conditions and means of innovation through the management of human resources, jobs and skills
These tools and methods are innovative because they are adapted to their contexts and territories.
It is a question of identifying the conditions and the means territory by territory of the application of the tools.
Tools for managing human resources, matching job needs and anticipating skills will be at the heart of the concerns.
Each partner will conduct investigative work with methodological support from the Cube and workshop facilitation by Emeraude Skills
New practices Based on a reflective approach, animation of progress groups.
The project partners will be mobilized to provide reflective support on the practices carried out. Animation of this approach will be offered during transnational trips.
Presentation of the centre's GPEC practices:
- How to carry out a territorial action of GPEC?
- How to support companies and future employees in an increase in skills?
- How to act to offer sustainable and annualized full-time jobs within flexible companies?
- How to facilitate the integration of migrant populations in a situation of full employment?
Communication, Capitalization & Transfers
Communication: This will be the responsibility of Le Cube Consultants, with an internal part and an external part. Internal communication facilitates the creation of the project and the animation of the group throughout its deployment. The external strategic communication part will consist of a showcase website where each partner will be highlighted. There you will find the explanation of the project and the different stages will be relayed there. Posts for social networks will be prepared with possible video clips to highlight the stages, trips, visits, workshops throughout the project. Everyone can also relay information on their own pages.
Capitalization: A capitalization colloquium will be planned in Saint Malo at the end of the program. It will allow participants to present their innovations and action plans. It will be open to all audiences.
Transfer: a sharing platform will be set up with a logo and a graphic charter. A secure part will facilitate the exchange of messages and documents throughout the project
Concretely and so that everyone can prepare their budget, the planned meetings:
1 launch meeting in France in St Malo
1 videoconference meeting once a month
6 Innovative 3-day visits per country (1 visit per partner)
Presentation of the innovation selected by the partner
An animated workshop on territorial means (WP 2)
A reflection workshop (WP3)
A communication part
Creation of summary, follow-up sheet and evaluation
A closing seminar
