Territory diagnosis
What is that?
Specific skills bring together a set of knowledge, behaviors and technical know-how related to a company or a territory. The specific skills that are linked to a company are the best known because they are those that are at the origin of the company's specialization in its core business. For the territory, it it's the same logic. Skills can be specific to a territory, to its cultural, social or economic context. As a result, these skills make it possible to characterize the local development of the territory, to build an economic and social identity that is unique to it. Specific skills cannot be transferred to other territories, they do not leave its local space easily and are therefore not transferable. Thus, an underwater welder, for example, hardly transfers this skill to other companies.
As important as these skills are, they are not valued very much within companies and even less within territories.
Why specific territorial competences?
Specific territorial skills are a development axis at the heart of the territory's economy and employment strategy. Thus, in concrete terms, the territories can join forces with companies to promote the emergence of these skills, either through initial training or through continuing training in the company.
Around the specific skills thus identified, local actors (companies, institutions, associations, employees) can build a common work strategy
How ?
Developed after 6 years of university research, the method combines an economic diagnosis phase to identify the key sectors of the territory, followed by a phase of semi-structured interviews based on a questionnaire focused on strategic skills.
Tested on several sites in Figeac (rural) and Erdre and Gesvres (peri-urban), the identification of specific territorial skills was carried out with companies in the area.
The sectors concerned are agriculture, the food industry, the aeronautical and mechanical industry, personal services.
Depending on the territories, specific territorial skills can be sought by targeting key sectors.
A tool to organize its actions and anticipate its future
The territory project is an important document which aims to structure all the actions of the territory. The care taken in its drafting is essential so that it can be appropriated by the greatest number of local actors.
The territory project that we propose has the particularity of being able to be implemented from specific angles: social, environmental or through the bonus of specific resources. Therefore, it is not only based on a general "state of play" of the territory but on a diagnosis built from the "saying of actors".
Three phases can be put in place to carry out the territory project: the preparation and training of the teams, the construction of specific issues and resources and finally, the writing of the territory project.
The working method here is inherent to ourintervention philosophy. We support local teams and our objective is not to replace them. Therefore, training is included in the service so that the local team can more easily integrate the process of carrying out the territory project. It will therefore be able to retain "control" over the method andultimatelyintervene in each of its phases.
Preparation of the territory project
Preparation begins with a territorial diagnosis phase. This is mainly documented by the work carried out on the territory by various bodies, it will be a question of identifying the various infra-territorial issues, of highlighting the external factors of influence and this, according to the actors of the territory. .
The analyzes will also cover a relatively "long" time in order to understand how these issues are likely to affect the territorial project.
The preparation also involves a day of internal training of the teams in the tools and methods of territorial forecasting.
Supply of the territory project
After this first phase, a series of surveys is conducted with the actors of the territory and its inhabitants.
Several more or less participatory approaches can be proposed depending on the time available to the teams, the will of the partners and the management of the project.
Drafting of the territory project
The third phase of the territory project consists of drafting the final document of the territory project with the local team.
The document covers all the phases and specifies the conditions and means for the emergence of a territorial common that can be shared with the inhabitants, businesses and other players in the territory.
Finally, a strategic communication time can be dedicated in order to discuss and exchange widely around the territory project.
The Forecast Management of Jobs and Territorial Skills (GPECT) is a tool that comes to us from companies. Initially, it was called GPEC and its purpose was to organise, enhance and manage skills within the framework of a short, medium and long term strategy.
GPEC takes into account the very fluctuating environment, the needs of individuals and relates them to those of organizations
The GPEC finds all its interest when it is not simply a tool at the service of an organizational strategy but a unifying approach capable of taking into account individual needs, those of companies and those of territories in a medium-term approach. long term.
The GPEC Territoriale approach complements, strengthens and gives consistency to existing employment policies in the territory.
Considered in a participatory and forward-looking manner, the Territorial GPEC becomes a proactive strategy for territorial change. It is a pillar of the construction of territorial resilience and of a more human and more ecological economy.
Why a territory HR diagnosis?
For more than 40 years, demographers, geographers, economists and all the attentive actors of the territory have witnessed a reversal of demographic trends.
The rural environment has ceased to be the field of exodus by becoming spaces for life projects, economic projects, territories of refuge for city dwellers fleeing the city and its pressures.
In the years to come, especially when the consequences of COVID will be even more palpable, the comparative advantage in favor of rural territories will become overwhelming and this fundamental trend could experience a significant acceleration . However, the consequences in terms of the general skills of the inhabitants are numerous.
The diagnosis makes it possible to respond to this need to understand HR developments, to identify the main skills in order to be able to make the most of them and to prepare training systems within companies and territories.
The diagnosis is like
an art photograph
Its aim is not to show reality but to show it from a point of view
What are the new skills of the inhabitants of the territory?
Is our territory positioned to respond to economic and environmental challenges
What human resources does the territory have?
Which territories are concerned?
All rural and peri-urban areas are affected, but areas that are particularly affected by rapid change are even more so.
Whether due to a company relocation, the reception of a new public infrastructure, the proximity of major urban centres... population flows can prove to be particularly significant.
Consequently, the analysis of the territorial competences by a complete and precise diagnosis proves to be necessary.
Few institutional or associative actors are specialized in this approach, which is why we propose to carry out this diagnosis in conjunction with local teams.
RESEARCH NOTE (10 pages)