Social innovation
​International relations and development cooperation
Work-based learning
Personal services
New Jobs
If the demographic evolutions within the 27 countries of the European Union (EU) have even demonstrated national specificities, an overall trend emerges with fewer births and a European population which continues to age.
On 1 January 2020, people aged 65 or over made up 20.6% of the Union's population compared to 16.6% ten years earlier. They should represent 30% in 2070 while at the same time the population of working age should decrease steadily. The share of people aged 80 or over is expected to multiply by 2.5 between 2019 and 2100, from 5.8% to 14.6%.
Beyond the statistical data, the reality translates into concrete situations to be accompanied in terms of care and support for aging. These growing needs are added to those of other categories of the population: young children upstream of schooling, people with disabilities regardless of their age, families, etc.
In a context of transition to a much older demographic structure, the challenge is significant for EU countries:
- How will social and health systems be founded?
- What quality responses to the needs of populations, especially the most vulnerable?
- What equity between rural areas and urban areas better provided in terms of services?
- Towards which models of care: between models internalized at home and supported by families and total outsourcing of the home?
- With which professionals, endowed with which skills? And under what conditions of exercise, with a view to quality of life at work?
The challenge concerns everyone: governments in charge of public policies, local authorities according to their competences, public service structures, service professionals (caregivers, social workers, home workers, etc.), families, vocational training organizations...
The subject is complex. It calls for questioning everyone's needs, expectations, aspirations and even values. It requires taking into account the experience of the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on life and work. It asks to be connected to other transitions, digital and ecological, because everything is connected.
This unprecedented context calls for new responses, new approaches. In addition to more sectoral logics, new initiatives are being tested at the territorial level.
The territorial dimension seems legitimate in more ways than one. Services to the population are intended to meet the needs of the inhabitants of a territory. Because they contribute to the quality of life and the development of social ties, these services contribute to the attractiveness of a territory. They are sources of value and vectors of employment for those who live. They require so-called strategic skills that can be developed for and by the territory.

Personal services are fundamental issue for our contemporary societies. Whatever the territories in France or in Europe, it will be a question of taking care of our elders as well as our young ones, going through all the states of loss of autonomy. Between putting the burden on the family alone or on the state, other organizations are possible and to be sought.
The project consists of identifying, in France and in Europe with partners from different countries, the most innovative practices, the most sustainable models in order to capitalize and then offer them in our territories.
Moreover, in these sectors, recruitment difficulties are concomitant with unsuitable, too theoretical or too rigid training. This project aims to offer with our partners, micro-certifications organized in blocks of skills.
The project consists of identifying territorial innovations in the field of Personal Services and analyzing and capitalizing on them in order to be able to transfer them to its own territory.
The TIS project – Territories of Social Innovation / Services to the populations: cooperation & innovation by the territories proposes to seek new territorial models in order to be able to disseminate them and make them a source of inspiration on a larger scale.
These new territorial models will be distinguished by their ability to develop new responses to new or still unmet social needs, involving the participation and cooperation of the territory's stakeholders. These answers will concern in a combined way:
- The co-construction of new responses in terms of services to the population;
- The co-design of new training courses for trades and/or employment (by integrating, upstream, the identification and anticipation of skills needs);
- The concerted implementation of innovative vocational training courses and the joint support of young people and/or adults engaged in these courses.
The project consists of identifying territorial innovations in terms of services to people and capitalizing on them in order to be able to transfer them to its own territory.
Two main objectives underpin this project, namely:
• Find innovative solutions in the Services to People sector through territorial cooperation
• Promote the development of skills of professionals and organizations on Services to people?
We wish to propose this project based on 3 axes and each partner will be free to imagine their actions inscribed in each of these 3 axes. It is important to note that WPs are the different dimensions of the same subject.
The stages of the projects
Workpackage 1: Project management
Worpackage 2: Deciphering new training actions: tools, methodologies, approaches
Workpackage 3: Which cooperation: which animation? What methodology
WorkPackage 4: Capitalization - Transfer - Communication - Evaluation
Analysis of territorial systems facilitating cooperation
Analysis of tools / New training actions

Provisional schedule
